question of output text to pole display



Dear experts,
I would like to ask if it is possible to print text to a Epson customer/line
display by using MS Access2007 VBA. Could you kindly give one example?
Because i found below sample VB coding(by Epson) doesn't work in VBA. Many
thanks! /Sunny
' Constant variable holding the Display name.
Private Const DISPLAY_NAME = "EPSON DM-D110/120/210"

' Constant variables holding the control command characters.
Private Const CMD_CLEAR = "a"
Private Const CMD_BLINK = "de"

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim printerObj As Printer

' Loop through the Printers and set the Printer object to the indicated
For Each printerObj In Printers
If printerObj.DeviceName Like "*" + DISPLAY_NAME + "*" Then
Set Printer = printerObj
Exit For
End If
End Sub

' The executed function when the Position button is clicked.
Private Sub cmdPosition_Click()

'Clear the display first.
Printer.FontSize = 7
Printer.Font = "Control"
Printer.Print CMD_CLEAR

' Send the string to the Display with DM-D 1st Line or DM-D 2nd Line font,
' depending on the choosen line by the user.
If optLine.Item(0).Value = True Then
Printer.Font = "DM-D 1st Line"
Printer.Font = "DM-D 2nd Line"
End If

Printer.Print "Hello APD!"
End Sub

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