Question on Control Toolbox




I have an Excel file that someone created. In that Excel file, it has some
check boxes. If I go to "Format Control" properties of one of the check
boxes, I see two tabs that I don't see if I go to "Format Control" properties
of a check box that I create from the Control Toolbox tool bar. The 2 tabs
are "Colors and Lines" and "Control".

I have encountered similar problems with other Control Toolbox items.

Does anyone know why there are differences in between them? Does it mean
that whoever created got those check boxes from somewhere else?


Jim Thomlinson

The controls from the forms toolbar part of XL. You attach macros from
modules directly to the control. This can be handy as the controls are not
embeded in the sheet and they do not place any code in the sheet.

Controls from the control toolbox are embeded objects. If you are fimiliar
with VB6 these controls are almost identical to the controls you would embed
in a userform. Since these controls are embedded they place their code
directly in the sheet. The up side is that they have a rich set of properties
and methods. Much more than controls from the forms toolbar.

99% of the time I use controls from the controls toolbox as I like the rich
set of properties and methods and the easy of referencing the controls in
code. That is not to say the forms controls don't have a place though.


Hi Jim,

Thank you very much for the answers. I didn't know that there is something
similar to the Control Toolbar. I thought I can only get the check box from
the Control Toolbar.

Thank you again very much for taking the time to share the information.

Jim Thomlinson

To be exact the two toolbars are:
Control Toolbox (embeded VB6 type controls)
Forms Toolbar (XL specific controls)

Why Controls is called a toolbox instead of toolbar is anyones guess.

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