Question on form minimizing



I am not really sure if this is a form issue or not.

I am running Access 2002 with a SQL back end for the database in question.

The forms were original run from queries but are now being run from the
tables to make them faster.
Since I have done that the users are complaining of an issue when they
minimize and then maximize the form.

Here is a little history to explain the process they do.
The open the form and have to hit the New Record button to add a new record.
They do that and when they are finished with the record hit the New Record
button again. So their form is on a blank record. They will then minimize
the form and go into another form. When they maximize the first form to do
more data entry the form will go back to the first record in the table
instead of being on the New Record they thought it would be on.

Apparently this was working that way when the form was based on a query but
since I change it to be based on the Table it started going back to the first

Is there anyway to fix this?
If I am not clear about this let me know.


Pat Hartman \(MVP\)

"The forms were original run from queries but are now being run from the
tables to make them faster." - This will not have any impact on making the
forms faster. In fact, it has the potential to make them slower. ALL forms
that work with ODBC data should be based on a query that includes selection
criteria to return only a very small set of rows. Opening a form bound to a
table that contains thousands of rows, simply opens a pipeline from Access
to the server and Access just keeps pumping data from the server to the
local machine. This usually makes the DBA's mad and gives Access and Access
developers a bad reputation because it is so wasteful of network resources.
If you need suggestions for creating and using parameter queries, post back
with that question.

To solve your form problem, open the form in Data Entry mode. It will open
initially to a blank record. The form will retain knowledge of all records
added since it was open so you can scroll through them and make any
modifications. Once you close and reopen the form, you start again with an
empty recordset. If you are using a switchboard to open forms, choose the
add mode option. If you are using your own code and the OpenForm method,
select the appropriate argument.

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