Hi Everyone,
How do you code to make a frame within a form visible/hidden. I've
composed a code that when a user selects the form a message box opens
asking them if they would like to do this or that (if they answer THIS
then Frame A is visible.....if they answer That then Frame B is
visible)...bottomline both cannot be visible at the same time.
Please help....
Function Item_Open()
IntAns=MsgBox("Would you like to open a new account",_
vbQuestion+vbYesNo,"Account Request")
If IntAns=vbYes then
Set fraAcctOpen.Visible=True
If IntAns=vbNo then
Set fraAcctChange.Visible=True
End If
End If
End Function
I realize there is something wrong with this code since i get the
question but when you reply well both frames appear which isn't
If anyone can offer me any guidance I'd greatly appreciate it.
How do you code to make a frame within a form visible/hidden. I've
composed a code that when a user selects the form a message box opens
asking them if they would like to do this or that (if they answer THIS
then Frame A is visible.....if they answer That then Frame B is
visible)...bottomline both cannot be visible at the same time.
Please help....
Function Item_Open()
IntAns=MsgBox("Would you like to open a new account",_
vbQuestion+vbYesNo,"Account Request")
If IntAns=vbYes then
Set fraAcctOpen.Visible=True
If IntAns=vbNo then
Set fraAcctChange.Visible=True
End If
End If
End Function
I realize there is something wrong with this code since i get the
question but when you reply well both frames appear which isn't
If anyone can offer me any guidance I'd greatly appreciate it.