Question on Installing Publisher



Since I've been using Publisher 2000 for over 2 years and it is doing what I
wanted it to do. After getting a new laptop with XP and Publisher 2003 and
not having any luck with this new program. I've been reading all the posts
and finally seen one David was saying each version has its own thing, as I've
tried to load by webpage from 2000 to 2003 and it will not upload to web and
display correctly. What I'd like to know is if I can load Publisher 2000 on
same machine as Publisher 2003? I'd like to rebuild my webpage, but will take
time and at least I'd have on one machine and not have to use 2 laptops. Any
advise from anyone? This way I could still use the old version to update and
build a new one as time permits. Thanks....Jim

David Bartosik [MSFT MVP]

You can load as many versions as you like on the same machine.
Key things to know....
select the Custom install option.
change the install folder name - this is done during the custom install
process - I recommend changing the install folder from "...Office ... " to
simply the product name "...Publisher 2000" or "...Publisher 2003".
the install will ask you if you want other versions replaced - say NO.
if you leave program icons in the program menu in the default location the
last version installed will take over the icon - so after each version is
installed you should move the programs icon to a custom location or rename
the icon - for example rename the icon from "Publisher" to be "Publisher
2000", just right click the icon and select rename.
if you use "file association" - meaning you browse to files and click them
to open them in their associated program - the association will belong to
the last version you install. So to open it in another version you have to
open the program first then browse to the file.
2000 files and 2003/2002 files are different file formats- meaning 2003/2002
can open 2000 but not the other way around. I recommend you use a naming
convention in your file names that states what version they are or you
organize the files in folders that state a version.
2000 files are converted to the 2003/2002 file format once they are opened
and saved in the newer program.
I recommend you make copies of files first. In Windows Explorer just right
click a file, select Copy, then right click in the Explorer pane and select
Paste to generate a copy of the file. That gives you a fall-back system.

David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]

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