Question on my Case of grouping the SW


Blue Fish


I have a problem that I need to identify how many license need to be
purchased. I have collect all the Host inventory but would like to
grouping the Office Package. It was because if the host have MS Access
that will be Office Pro. If the host that without MS Access that will be
Office Std.

May I have idea how can I use function to
help on this case?

Hostname SW SW Group SW On Host
HOST01 MS Word MS Office Std MS Office Std
HOST01 MS Excel MS Office Std MS Office Std
HOST01 MS Powerpoint MS Office Std MS Office Std
HOST02 MS Word MS Office Std MS Office Pro
HOST02 MS Excel MS Office Std MS Office Pro
HOST02 MS Access MS Office Pro MS Office Pro
HOST03 MS Word MS Office Std MS Office Std
HOST03 MS Excel MS Office Std MS Office Std

Thanks a lot!



Try this formula
=IF(B2="MS Access","MS Office Pro","MS Office Std")

which will look up value in B2 and if MS Access found it will return MS
Office Pro, if not it will return MS Office Std.


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