Question on Synchronization



I am working on a web site for a client. He has
FrontPage 2000 in his office and can make changes to the
site. I have FrontPage 2000 in my office and can also
make changes to the site.

Question: What is the best way to handle synchronization
issues. I want to make changes to the site without
undoing changes he has made and vice versa. In other
words, when he makes a change to a page the page local to
my computer is no longer up to date. When I publish a
change will FrontPage 2000 undo the changes he has made?

Any suggestions/experiences/help will be appreciated.

(e-mail address removed)

Jeff Gruetzmacher

2 possible solutions:

1. Quit using your locally stored web. Edit your pages
directly on your live web site. Feel gutsy to do this?

2. Get a development web environment set-up with your web
host. This will have a different URL. You and your
friend do all your editing on this development web and not
your local machine. Then you can publish from the
development web to your live web. This is preferred and
is typically how most commercial sites are managed... that
way content can be tracked and recovered in case of
disaster. The webs I manage have 3 development enviros
from development, review, and production.

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