Question regarding SUMIF or SUMPRODUCT function



I have multiple spreadsheets that I am pulling information
from, and I want to have a function that pulls dollars for
every case that has the same "Bill To" and "Sold To" names
as a list of 6 alias I have. Here is what I have come up
with so far:

=SUMPRODUCT(('[DMR - JAN03.xls]JAN03'!$C$3:$C$10000=Alias!
$E4:$J4)*('[DMR - JAN03.xls]JAN03'!$D$3:$D$10000=Alias!
$E4:$J4)*('[DMR - JAN03.xls]JAN03'!$F$3:$F$10000))

Alias! = a worsheet containing 6 cells of possible names
for each account used by accounting

On Alias!, Jane is compared to a list of names on another
sheet that has various spellings, such as
Jane Jayne Ja'ne Jaine Janee

Bill To Sold To Dollars
Bobby Sue $10
Jane Jayne $15
Sue Daisy $20
Jane Daisy $15
Daisy Bobby $30
Janee Jaine $25

Function for Jane would return $45, rather than $60 if a
normal SUMIF function was used

The function I currently have doesn't seem to be able to
do this. Is it right to use SUMPRODUCT, or could I use a
SUM IF function to compare the entries to a range of cells
on Alias!? Thanks!!

BTW, This board is amazing and I thank all who contribute
to it.

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