


I have a query that brings up employees who have yet to take a required
training. The query I have works fine except I need it to distinguish
between job codes and exclude certain people with certain job codes because
they do not need those trainings. I tried the following SQL but it seems to
only pull up the first individual.

SELECT T2.Training, [LastName]&", "&[FirstName] AS Name, T3.Title
FROM tblTrainingList AS T2, tblEmployees AS T1 INNER JOIN (Select Top 1
Title, EmployeeID from tblWage order by [DateofChange] DESC) AS T3 ON
WHERE (((T2.Training) Not in (SELECT DISTINCT Training FROM tblTraining
WHERE EmployeeID = T1.EmployeeID)))
AND T3.Title IN ("CN/ON", "Residential Supervisor", "Team Leader", "Q",
ORDER BY [LastName]&", "&[FirstName];

Micah Chaney

I can't help you with the SQL code but in that Query Design view if you just
drag down the fields that contain the additional criteria that you met, use
the "<>" which means not equal to and enter the job codes of the records you
don't want included. Hope this helps.

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