Questions about inserting an object into a worksheet



I posted this on the Worksheet Functions group, but I realized that
maybe the post doesn't fit there very well. I've got two questions
about inserting a MS Word document object into an Excel Spreadsheet in
a shared workbook.

First question: I'm able to inisert the document just fine, but the
Word document is 2 pages, and the inserted object only displays the
first page. How can I get it to show both pages?

2nd question: I'm trying to have this shared workbook open,
automatically update links, and not display the startup prompt. After
checking the Help file, I learned that I needed to:

1. On Edit menu, click Links.
2. Click Startup Prompt.
3. Select the option you want.

I've done this, and I selected the option: "Don't display the alert
and update the links". However, every time I open the file, the alert
still displays. How do I get it to stick?

Also, I know I can go to Tools>Options>Edit and uncheck the box "Ask
to update automatic links", but the help file says this is only for
the current user, and I want this link to be updated for all users and
no alert to show. Thanks for any help.

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