Questions about Schedule Backup in MPS 2007


waqas sarwar

Hi Gurus.

Thanks for your already replies to our post. I come up with another
question for you.

Question # 1. I am wondering about the Schedule Backup in the server setting
of the MPS 2007, The schedule backup only update the version of the archieved
projects when some change is made into it. for example i made some changes in
proejct on 17th then on schedule backup i backed up and then no changes till
24 but my schedule back up is running daily, But when i go to the
Administrator Backup see the lastest version is dated 17th not the 24th. So i
think my question is clear that Schedule Backup only backup the project when
some changes made in it as compare to the previous backup verions.


Ben Howard

Hi, your comments are correct. The a copy is only taken into the archive
folder when a change is made.

Marc Soester [MVP]

On top of Bens exellent response, you should also know that not every chance
is captured. Essentially the way it works:
Backup a schedule if a change is made, but since you only do a backup once a
day, that means that only a backup for this day is made, not a backup for
every change or publish you made
Hope this makes sense :)

waqas sarwar

Hello Marc.

Thanks for your reply. But after Ben reply, you response made me little
What you mean by saving the thats day changing not entire work?

do u mean that Schedule Backup only backup the changes that was made on in
last 24 hours. But it did not store whole project backup.

But when we run the first schedule backup at that time its backedup the
whole data right? after that its only store the changes made every day. e.g
22nd(First Schedule Backup) backup complete project data, 23rd(2nd day )
backup the changes during the last 24 hours, 24th(3rd day) backup the changes
during last 24hours. this mean we have a full backup +every days changes. so
when we will restore it it will resotre from the 24th's schedule backup and
it will restore whole project data.

please correct me if i am wrong.


Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi waqas,

sorry I didnt make myself clear. Firstly, the entire schedule is backed up
every time the backup runs :)

what I wanted to say is: If youre backup runs once a day, the project
changes for this day will be backed up. It means that if you changed the
project 2 or 3 times during the day, Project Server will not backup every
change, but only the consolidated change of the project for this day.

I give you an example. A Project manager changes the project at 11:00 AM in
the morning. He saves and publishes the new project. Than he needs to get
back into the project and needs to make another change at 1:00 PM. At 5 PM
the Project Manager needs a restore of the change that was made at the 11:00
AM change. This is not possible. The Project Manager can have a restore of
the last backup which was done the day before, but cant restore the changes
that where done today. ( Unless you would trigger the backup manually).

I hope this made it clearer

waqas sarwar

Hi Marc.

I really appreciated your efforts and time to explain me the stuff. Thanks
now i got everything and clear in my mind. I hope everyone else reading the
post will get it.

thanks and happy thanksgiving day.

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