Questions about setting up batch queries


T. H. Ormond

I need to set up some queries to process tables in batch mode. By this I
mean I want to create a set of SQL statements which create some new tables,
update those tables, and then programmatically edit several of the fields.
I had some procedures set up using another database system ( MYSQL ) which
allowed me to package one or more SQL statements in text files. Then I
could create command procedures to invoke MYSQL with the desired SQL
statement as input. I am trying to learn how to do this same sort of
processing in ACCESS.

What is the best way to set up a series of command procedures ( invoked by
shortcuts from the desktop for instance ) which can be run automatically
ie by double-clicking on the icons ) rather than running ACCESS and
selecting various queries to be run. Using MYSQL it was possible to set up
a series of command procedures to do the work with a minimum of user
interaction. This is what I would like to do with ACCESS. Any suggestions
are welcome!!

Thanks in advance,

Tom Ormond

Albert D. Kallal

Just build the series of queries in the query builder and save them.

You can then execute them with code.

currentdb.Execute "query2"
currentdb.Execute "query3"

You can even write code in a module where you put the sql in-line. Not
always considered the best practice, but I certainly do this quite often.

currentdb.Execute "update tblCustomers set City = 'New York' where City =

If you are using in-line sql, then I would at first use:

If you want some error checking for the in-line sql, then you should use:

docmd.RunSql "update ......etc etc"

T. H. Ormond

Thanks for your pointers on doing queries. I played around with some macros
but I have read and heard from various sources that it is better to use VBA
than macros. I see how your code will work in conjunction with predefined
queries, but I do not yet see how to package the queries into something that
I can run from a shortcut or via the Windows command line. All of the books
I have read talk about creating functions or procedures which can be
attached to various events which are experienced by UI components of one
sort or another.

Do I have to build some sort of form in order to utilize VBA code, or can I
build a more free-standing executable? I have seen a macro action which
will allow me to run a VBA procedure. Is that the way I have to go??

Thanks again for your help in this matter!

Tom Ormond

Albert D. Kallal

Do I have to build some sort of form in order to utilize VBA code, or can
build a more free-standing executable? I have seen a macro action which
will allow me to run a VBA procedure. Is that the way I have to go??

Yes, you kind have to. You certainly create a mdb that runs code on start-up
(as you mentioned).

If you fire up a dos window, and type:

start yourAccessBatch.mdb

Then code be run, and just make sure the application exits after being done.
You thus can use the scheduler to launch the above. I find it easer to just
a start a form that runs at start-up.

However, you can just place code in a standard module, and have that code
run at start-up via making ONE macro called:


In side the above macro, you use:


And simply specify the name of the function in the module to run. Just
remember to have the code quit the application after.

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