Questions before buying FP2003


Jerold Pearson

I currently use FP98 and am thinking of upgrading to FP2003. I have a few
questions before making the switch:

1) I work at a university, and my web site is hosted on the university
server. I don't use FP "webs"; rather, I use the FP Editor to open files on
the server and edit or add files "live." (I'm not even sure if this server
will let me work with "webs.") Would I be able to edit "live" with FP2003?

2) Would I be able to use the Photo Gallery feature if I edit "live?"

3) A number of people on this newsgroup say that the Photo Gallery in FP2003
is pretty quirky. This feature is actually one of the main reasons I'm
thinking of buying FP2003. What is quirky about it? What are its

4) Another reason I'm thinking of upgrading is that I have a bad problem
with my FP98 hotspots. One of my pages has a photo (jpg) on which I put two
hotspots. But when the page is viewed in Internet Explorer, the entire
photo goes missing. This page was originally created in FP97, and it worked
fine. But when I upgraded to FP98 and made a slight edit in the page, the
problem arose and I've never been able to fix it. I've even had
professional coders look at my coding and everything is correct, but the
darn photo doesn't appear. Is this a known bug in FP98 that has been
corrected in FP2003? Or has anyone had this sort of problem with FP2003?

5) Is the trial version of FP2003 a complete version, or does it not include
all the features of the purchased version? The MS web site doesn't say.

Many thanks.


Jerold Pearson

Do you have a public URL for the page
in question in item # 4??


Actually, it's a bit weirder than I originally mentioned. I put the
hotspots back onto the photo with a different authoring tool, so the page
works fine now.

But if I open the page in FP98 and save it -- even without making any
changes -- the photo disappears when the page is viewed on a browser.

Here's the page:

The photo I have the problems with is the one with the cats. I don't know
if looking at the page will be of any help, though. As I said, it works
fine now, because it was last edited with a different authoring tool.

Thanks for responding. Any insight is appreciated.


chris leeds

you may want to consider FrontPage 2002. I'm sure there are great deals on
it with 2003 just out. it will suffice and works well for everything you

Michael Gregg


I have used FP since before it was a MS product. I prefer to use it "live"
and use the publish feature to backup the site. Whatever way you just need
to have FP extensions on the server.


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