Hi Gregg, and thanks for the response.
I think "Questions" is a custom tool some other team member created ...
In any event, I figured out that I need to create custom Issue Tracking
Here is what I need on the Issue Tracking tool :
(a) list of issues with following columns
(i) "Name"
(ii) "Created Date"
(iii) "Status"
(iv) "Completed Date"
(v) "Team A" which includes a checkmark toggle and contains a drop-down
from which may be selected a subset of the workspace subscribers
(vi) "Team B" which includes a checkmark toggle and contains a drop-down
from which may be selected a subset of the workspace subscribers
The idea is that the user can switch issue responsibility between Team A and
Team B ( and between a Team A member and a Team B member ) by clicking "Team
A" or "Team B".
Double-clicking the issue row should display the actual issue.
Any ideas on how to do this ?
Also: what is a good resource to learn about custom design of Groove tools ?