Questions on Spam Sieve. Trying it out...



Spam has finally caught up with me, and Entourage 2004 (v 11.2.1.) is
no longer able to catch a lot of the new stuff. So I'm trying out Spam
Sieve. Couple of questions:

1. Spam Sieve's two main scripts- Train Good, and Train Spam- have
default keyboard shortcuts as Control-Command G and S (respectively),
but those keyboard commands aren't triggering the scripts. I'd like to
try changing them to Shift-Command-G/S. What are the AppleScript
characters to do that? Current, the scripts look like this:

SpamSieve - Train Good\cmG
SpamSieve - Train Spam\cmS

2. If Spam Sieve incorrectly marks an email as Junk, is the only action
I take to run Train Good? It was unclear for me in the help files.