Questions on tablet PC



Questions on tablet PC

1. Is there a new OS for Tablet PCs coming out in 2007 ?
If so, is it worth waiting for ?
If I buy a tablet PC now, will it be upgradeable to any new OS ?

2. How good is the handwriting recognition ?

3. any suggestions on buying Tablet PCs ? and accompanying software ?


Patrick Schmid

There will be a new OS for Tablet PCs in 2007, namely Windows Vista.
Presumably it would be better than Windows XP, but I haven't had a
chance yet to test its tablet pc features.
You should look for reviews of Windows Vista RC1 online. A good starting
point is

Patrick Schmid

Rainald Taesler

Questions on tablet PC

Pls see the replies in the TabletPC newsgroup.

When posting the same question to more then one NG (this should be an
exception) you may just ise "crossposting" by adding the addresses in
the "Newsgroups" field; this should be accompnied by determining to
which group the rplies will go (so-called "FUp2" [follow up to]) using
the respective field in the news-reader.


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