Questions regarding functionality



I have a trial version of InfoPath that I started playing with. I have also
spent time looking on the Microsoft site, blogs, Internet searching, etc. to
try to find more information. I am assuming that part of my problem is that
there is not that much out there yet for InfoPath.

I am trying to create forms that can be filled out by our users that can
then be converted to a PDF format to be sent to customers. This is a short
term solution till we have an Application created that stores data that can
populate forms automatically. I am trying to determine if InfoPath would be
better than creating Word Forms. I like the Repeating Sections / Repeating
Tables piece which gives my Users more flexibility with the # of rows they
need. An example form is a Premium Indication (Quote) giving our customer
multiple Coverage Options with Multiple Limit / Deductible Options and
Multiple Forms and Endorsements within each Coverage Option. I created a
Repeating Section for the Coverage Option, then I created a Repeating Table
for the Limit/Deductible piece and another Repeating Table for the
Form/Endorsement piece - both are within the Repeating Section.

I am trying to find out if I can do the following:
1. Create a Header that allows for a Logo, text that is left adjusted,
centered and right adjusted (like you might see for letterhead). I want this
to be used on each page that is generated.
2. Date Calculations - I am defaulting a Date to Today's Date and would
also like to calculate a date that is 30 days from today. I also need
another date to be 1 year from today. I need to show the Effective /
Expiration Date of the Premium Indicaiton and the Proposed Policy Effective /
Expiration Date.
3. Page breaks based on how many rows are used in a repeating table or
repeating section
4. Ability to convert to a PDF so that the person that receives the Form
cannot make any modifications.

Thanks for any information, tips, etc. that can be provided.


I also have some questions regarding infopath functionality -

I am looking for a product that will help with the creation of dynamic
word documents from templates, on client machines, where the data is
stored in a remote sql database and the application server is an
iis/asp intranet accessed over vpn.

I want users to be able to access the intranet and request a "quote"
or "letter" for a specific customer, the intranet retrieves the
customer data from sql, sends the data to the client over a vpn and
there it is merged into a template on the local network.

I can hand code this but would rather not. I was told that infopath
can help with this situation, but cannot find any info.

Thanks in advance

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