Queue Sluggish



I have the documentation for the Project Server 2007 Queuing System but can
anyone tell me off the cuff why it would take 2-5 minutes for the Project
Server 2007 Queue to process a single job?

Paul Conroy

In additional to Gary's comment you also need to consider overall SQL
config/performance. If SQL is poorly configured and or under resourced then
Project Server will not perform as expected.

Here's a list of counters to help you understand whether SQL is performance
as it should be


Often overlooked when configuring SQL is the creation of a separate TempDB
file for each CPU presented. Project Server is a heavy user of the TempDB
and there is is only one DB file then only one thread can process against it
at anyone time.


Ensure the database have sufficient space. All to often I see database
created at low initial size with 1MB increments. SQL stops IO to the DB when
auto growing the files. This also impacts on the fragmentation of the file
and therefore the performance of queries.

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