Quick Access Toolbar/s Office/Word 2007



Word 2007 - can anyone tell me if it is possible to have the same button on
this toolbar more than once. When I try to do this, it refuses to accept the

Also is it possible to have a vertical quick access toolbar down the left
hand side of the screen as well - as I was able to have in Word 97.

Most of my work is typing long documents and I learnt that it is much faster
to have 2 identical toolbars - one horizontal and one vertical - and for Save
and the Colour change buttons to be at both ends of this so that they are
more quickly accessed wherever I happen to be in the document.

Jay Freedman

Achnacloich said:
Word 2007 - can anyone tell me if it is possible to have the same
button on this toolbar more than once. When I try to do this, it
refuses to accept the request.

Also is it possible to have a vertical quick access toolbar down the
left hand side of the screen as well - as I was able to have in Word

Most of my work is typing long documents and I learnt that it is much
faster to have 2 identical toolbars - one horizontal and one vertical
- and for Save and the Colour change buttons to be at both ends of
this so that they are more quickly accessed wherever I happen to be
in the document.

The answers are "sort of" and "no".

You could solve the two-of-the-same-button problem by recording a macro that
performs the same action and adding a button for the macro at the other end
of the toolbar. That way Word doesn't think they're the same button.

As for toolbar positioning, you get your choice of above the ribbon or below
the ribbon. That's all. Better luck next time!

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


Thanks Jay. Will do the macro as suggested. Re vertical toolbar - might
have guessed Microsoft would drop some really good/useful things on the way.
I can see I shall just have to allow the extra time that will accumulate from
time wasted by having to go to the top of the document page every time caused
by not having the old facility.


PamC via OfficeKB.com

Yes it is, or so it will appear. You can assign buttons to the QATs of "all
documents" (default), to the document itself, and to any add-in templates.
When the add-in templates are loaded, their icons will show up in the QAT of
whatever document you open. You can put the same button is each QAT. The
sets of buttons for the combined QAT appear in the order default, document,
and then the add-ins. I'm not sure how Word determines the order of the add-

To add buttons to the add-ins, edit the add-in.


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