Quick Look and Cover Flow not working for all office documents



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel Quick look is a feature of the OS X finder I use all the time for previewing my word docs before I go to the trouble of opening them. So I'd really like to have this functionality back!

I originally didn't think this was an Office problem, but a user on a Mac forum suggested I try generating new .plist files (com.microsoft.Word.plist and com.microsoft.office.plist) as described here: http://word.mvps.org/mac/damagedprefs.html

I've also tried the same proceedure for the quicklook plist file, all to no avail.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

John McGhie

Quick Look is Apple software, part of OS X.

Microsoft Office is not involved.

The only suggestions I have seen are to "Reapply the 10.6.2 combo update".
Apparently that fixes Quick Look not looking...

If it works, please let us know...


Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel
Quick look is a feature of the OS X finder I use all the time for previewing
my word docs before I go to the trouble of opening them. So I'd really like
to have this functionality back!

I originally didn't think this was an Office problem, but a user on a Mac
forum suggested I try generating new .plist files (com.microsoft.Word.plist
and com.microsoft.office.plist) as described here:

I've also tried the same proceedure for the quicklook plist file, all to no

Any suggestions? Thanks!


The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 | mailto:[email protected]


Yea, I figured it was an OS problem, but I'm surprised I haven't found any others who've experienced the same problem.

While it's a big incovenience, I don't think I want to revert back to a version of Snow Leopord from Nov. of last year to try and fix it. Guess I'll have to pray that 10.6.4 solves it.

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