Ed Marmon
im used to act! and goldmine where you can quickly choose a form letter,
and open up a single letter for mail merge to a contact. what is the
quickest was i can design a form letter, and have an icon in bcm to when a
contact is highlighted, i can click the icon, and then have word or outlook
bring up the folled-in letter, ready to email to the contact?
ive search posts about this and they dont provide a clear answer. this
should be a lot more obvious, just in my opinion, as this is probably a key
feature used by many people. the "quick letter to contact". how do I do it
( has to be with merge fields, not just anonymous text )
thank you so much, you cant imagine how much this would help me break free
of the act! /goldmine paradigm...
and open up a single letter for mail merge to a contact. what is the
quickest was i can design a form letter, and have an icon in bcm to when a
contact is highlighted, i can click the icon, and then have word or outlook
bring up the folled-in letter, ready to email to the contact?
ive search posts about this and they dont provide a clear answer. this
should be a lot more obvious, just in my opinion, as this is probably a key
feature used by many people. the "quick letter to contact". how do I do it
( has to be with merge fields, not just anonymous text )
thank you so much, you cant imagine how much this would help me break free
of the act! /goldmine paradigm...