

Erik Sojka

Quicknotes and Sidenotes are the same thing. Somewhere (I honestly forget
where) between the beta and the RTM and the SP1 preview the name changed.

Thomas R. Shannon

Erik said:
Quicknotes and Sidenotes are the same thing. Somewhere (I honestly
forget where) between the beta and the RTM and the SP1 preview the
name changed.

Ah, ha. and a search for sidenote told me what I needed to know.

Tom S.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote

I was going through this old InfWorld Article:


and at the very bottoms I found reference to something called "QuickNote"
which I thought was quite interesting. But I can't find reference to
it either in the OneNote help file or from a search of microsoft.com.
Can someone fill me in? It sounded like something I could really use.

Tom S.

Quicknotes and Sidenotes are the same thing with a different name.

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