Quitting Macro


Ken Hudson

I have a macro that includes many message boxes that lead to sub-routines.

If MsgBox("Do you have an F854 this month?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
Call ImportF854
End If

I want to build in an option that would allow the user to quit the macro at
any of these prompts. I want to give the user the instruction that they could
enter a "^" character for example at the message prompt and the macro would
then close. Is there a "graceful" way to code this?

Gary Keramidas

you can try this

If MsgBox("Do you have an F854 this month?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
Call ImportF854
exit sub
End If

Tom Ogilvy

Why not use VbYesNoCancel

Dim lAns as Long
lAns = MsgBox("Do you have an F854 this month?" & _
vbNewline & "Hit cancel to quit", vbYesNoCancel)
if lAns = vbYes then
Call ImportF854
elseif lAns = vbCancel then
exit sub
End If

Ken Hudson

That will work.
Thanks Tom.

Ken Hudson

Tom Ogilvy said:
Why not use VbYesNoCancel

Dim lAns as Long
lAns = MsgBox("Do you have an F854 this month?" & _
vbNewline & "Hit cancel to quit", vbYesNoCancel)
if lAns = vbYes then
Call ImportF854
elseif lAns = vbCancel then
exit sub
End If

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