Quotes vs Accents



I am using Windows Vista and Outlook 2007. When I type a quotation mark (or
an apostrophe) in email, the quotation mark doesn't appear until I type the
next letter. But if the next letter is a vowel, the quotation mark doesn't
appear at all, and instead the e gets an accent over it. For example, when I
try to type the following:

it instead shows up as:

If I try to type:
it instead shows up as:

It doesn't appear to be a language setting, as I'm currently set on English
(US). I don't experience the same issue in Microsoft Word. It is only when
typing in Outlook.

I have scoured support.microsoft.com as well as general web discussions, and
I can't seem to find anyone commenting on this. I'm hoping someone will be
able to assist in this forum.



Not sure if this is helpful, but if you were to type Ctrl+apostrophe and then
a vowel, the vowel would be typed with an accent over it. However, if your
Ctrl key were stuck I imagine tou would have other troubles. So not sure
that helps.


That's a good thing worth checking, KePaHa, but unfortunately that doesn't
solve it for me. Everything works great on my system (and keyboard) except
this one aspect. I've been dealing with it for several months, but today I
decided it would really be nice to make it stop, as it always slows me down
in email.

Thanks for the suggestion.


Looks like after playing around with the language/keyboard settings and then
restarting Outlook and my system, things are working properly now. Thanks,

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