R1C1 formula question



I want to create a formula that will at cell R1C1. However, the C1 part needs
to be variable. Here is the example of what i think it should be:

=R1C" & B2 & "

this formula needs to return Row1 and column number whosw the value located
in the cell B2. Lets say B2 has a number 70 in it. The result of the formula
i need to return is the value located in R1C70

Please help, because my brains are exploding

Dave Peterson

One way:


The top one will only recalc when required.
The second one will recalc whenever excel recalcs.


R1C1 is not a formula. It is a reference style. It is how excel realy see
the sheet layout in the background. we see it as cell B2. excel programming
convert this to R2C2. It's more like an address. you can't split it up nor
use it like a regular formula.
see on the menu bar...tools>options>general tab>check R1C1 reference style.
all of your column letter are now column numbers.

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