radio button sidebar to insert words into Word 2007 documents



Hi all

where can I find an example of VBA code to reate a side bar (or a pull
down menu) where i can put a list of strings that i can select with a
radio button and the auotmatically insert them into my word docs.?

Jay Freedman

You're reinventing the wheel.

If you're using Word 2003 or earlier, save your strings as AutoText
entries. They'll appear on the AutoText toolbar. See

In Word 2007, AutoText is part of the Building Blocks feature. You can
save the strings as AutoText or in any other building blocks gallery.
Then you can add that gallery to the ribbon or to the Quick Access
Toolbar, as shown in

If you pursue your original idea, I think you have the wrong term in
mind when you say "radio button". A radio button (also called an
"option button") is an empty circle that shows a black dot in the
center when it's selected, and there are usually three or more in a
group from which only one can be selected at a time. That doesn't have
anything to do with inserting text in the document.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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