Radio buttons/check boxes and database



Dear all,

I have a problem with an form that i use to enter data into a
database. The form works perfectly fine with text boxes and drop-down
menues but there are problems with check boxes and radio buttons.

The problem: Only the last value is stored in the database no mater
what box/button i select.

I dont think i have to post the page on the web since the code is
quite simple:

The button tags:

<input type="radio" name="edtX12801_3" value="251">
<input type="radio" name="edtX12801_3" value="252">
<input type="radio" name="edtX12801_3" value="253">

The meta tag:

<meta name="QMED" content="X12801-3;edtX12801_3;1">

(the last number is for ordinal/nominal values)

Advance thanks for anyone that is willing to thank me with this


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