radius formula



how do i create a formula to find the radius (circumference=2*3.14r) if i
have the circumference?


how do i create a formula to find the radius (circumference=2*3.14r)
if i have the circumference?

The correct formula is 2*pi*r. Don't use an approximation for pi
(3.14). In Excel, if the circumference is in A1, the radius is:

=A1 / 2 / PI()

Shane Devenshire

the real question is how do you figure this out? You want to get everything
except the R on one side of the equation, so:

C = 2 * Pi() * R

C/2 = Pi() * R You are dividing both sides by 2

C/2/Pi() = R You are dividing both sides by Pi()

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