Hi Lene,
This didn't work for me in Word 2003 using either the plain or
formatted entries in Autocorrect. If you unchecked the Autocorrect
option to [x] Replace text as you type, that could disable the
=rand() replacement, but also the rest of the autocorrect entries as well.
I made an experiment and found a method that seems to disable - or
rather replace - the "feature": I created an AutoCorrect entry (Tools >
AutoCorrect options) and entered "=rand()" in both the "Replace" and "With"
However, I you want to be able to enable the "feature" again, you may not
want to use that method - it seems as if it is gone even if the AutoCorrect
entry is deleted (so who knows, I may regret that I tried...).
Lene Fredborg >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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