Hi, can someone please advise me how to create a spreadsheet that
generates random responses from a given source (data area on the
spreadsheet). I am trying to create for a United Way charity event, a
callers card for the game "Bingo". In essence, the "caller" would use
the s/s to generate the following individual (i.e. each time the sheet
is recalculated) alpha numeric responses:
B = 1-15 (i.e. B1, B2, B3 ………. B15)
I = 16-30
N = 31-45
G = 46-60
O = 61-75
I'm sure this should be fairly straighforward, but I am unable to find
the right (or understandable) MS references to explain how to
construct this function.
Can anyone please help.
Many thanks
generates random responses from a given source (data area on the
spreadsheet). I am trying to create for a United Way charity event, a
callers card for the game "Bingo". In essence, the "caller" would use
the s/s to generate the following individual (i.e. each time the sheet
is recalculated) alpha numeric responses:
B = 1-15 (i.e. B1, B2, B3 ………. B15)
I = 16-30
N = 31-45
G = 46-60
O = 61-75
I'm sure this should be fairly straighforward, but I am unable to find
the right (or understandable) MS references to explain how to
construct this function.
Can anyone please help.
Many thanks