I'm not sure how you plan to use the generated letter triplets, but the
RAND() function that generates random numbers for use in a worksheet formula
will generate new values when anything is done to the worksheet that forces
a recalculation, so any letter triplets generated as a result of its use
will not be fixed and unchanging. Your best bet if you want fixed,
unchanging letter triplets is to use a macro. Right-click the worksheet tab
you want this functionality on and select View Code from the popup menu that
appears, then copy/paste the following code into the code window that
Sub ThreeRandomLetters()
Dim X As Long
Dim Letter As String
Dim Triplet As String
Dim AvailableLetters As String
For X = 1 To 3
Letter = Mid(AvailableLetters, Int(Len(AvailableLetters) * Rnd + 1), 1)
Triplet = Triplet & Letter
AvailableLetters = Replace(AvailableLetters, Letter, "")
ActiveCell.Value = Triplet
End Sub
Okay, now go back to the worksheet, press Alt+F8, select the
ThreeRandomLetters macro from the list and run it. Each time you do that, a
random, non-repeating letter triplet will be placed in whatever cell is
active at the time.