Analysis toolpak functions have fairly extensive documenation in the the xl4
macro help file.;en-us;143466
Are the Old help style files. There are later CHM versions, but I don't
have the URL's handy.
Anyway for example, the RANDOM function: (easier to read in the help file)
Macro Sheets Only
Fills a range with independent random or patterned numbers drawn from one of
several distributions.
If this function is not available, you must install the Analysis ToolPak
RANDOM provides six different random distributions and one patterned data
option. Because the distributions require different argument lists, there
are seven syntax forms for RANDOM.
Syntax 1
Uniform distribution
RANDOM(outrng, variables, points, distribution, seed, from, to)
RANDOM?(outrng, variables, points, distribution, seed, from, to)
Syntax 2
Normal distribution
RANDOM(outrng, variables, points, distribution, seed, mean, standard_dev)
RANDOM?(outrng, variables, points, distribution, seed, mean, standard_dev)
Syntax 3
Bernoulli distribution
RANDOM(outrng, variables, points, distribution, seed, probability)
RANDOM?(outrng, variables, points, distribution, seed, probability)
Syntax 4
Binomial distribution
RANDOM(outrng, variables, points, distribution, seed, probability, trials)
RANDOM?(outrng, variables, points, distribution, seed, probability, trials)
Syntax 5
Poisson distribution
RANDOM(outrng, variables, points, distribution, seed, lambda)
RANDOM?(outrng, variables, points, distribution, seed, lambda)
Syntax 6
Patterned distribution
RANDOM(outrng, variables, points, distribution, seed, from, to, step,
repeat_num, repeat_seq)
RANDOM?(outrng, variables, points, distribution, seed, from, to, step,
repeat_num, repeat_seq)
Syntax 7
Discrete distribution
RANDOM(outrng, variables, points, distribution, seed, inprng)
RANDOM?(outrng, variables, points, distribution, seed, inprng)
Outrng is the first cell (the upper-left cell) in the output table or the
name, as text, of a new sheet to contain the output table. If FALSE, blank,
or omitted, places the output table in a new workbook.
Variables is the number of random number sets to generate. RANDOM will
generate variables columns of random numbers. If omitted, variables is equal
to the number of columns in the output range.
Points is the number of data points per random number set. RANDOM will
generate points rows of random numbers for each random number set. If
omitted, points is equal to the number of rows in the output range. Points
is ignored when distribution is 6 (Patterned).
Distribution indicates the type of number distribution.
Distribution Distribution type
1 Uniform
2 Normal
3 Bernoulli
4 Binomial
5 Poisson
6 Patterned
7 Discrete
Seed is an optional value with which to begin random number generation.
Seed is ignored when distribution is 6 (Patterned) or 7 (Discrete).
From is the lower bound.
To is the upper bound.
Mean is the mean.
Standard_dev is the standard deviation.
Probability is the probability of success on each trial.
Trials is the number of trials.
Lambda is the Poisson distribution parameter.
Step is the increment between from and to.
Repeat_num is the number of times to repeat each value.
Repeat_seq is the number of times to repeat each sequence of values.
Inprng is a two-column range of values and their probabilities.