Random Numbers and Me


John Pivot Table


I´m having a little problem generating a few random numbers. The thing is
this: I have a huge list of people and I need to assign a random number
between 0.0 and 1.25 to each one.

The problem is I need the following:

70% of people to have a number between 1 and 1.2
20% of people to have a number greater than 1.2
10% of people to have a number below 1

Do you know how to do this???


Mike H


I think the 70/20/10 rule will be impossible to achieve exactly because (for
example) with 101 names how may are in each group bearing in mind were using

This should give a good approximation with your list of people on column A
of the active sheet

Sub randoms()
Dim FirstRange As Range
Dim SecondRange As Range
Dim ThirdRange As Range
Dim LastRow as Long
lastrow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set FirstRange = Range("A1:A" & Int(lastrow * 0.7))
Set SecondRange = Range("A" & Int((lastrow * 0.7)) + 1 & ":A" & Int(lastrow
* 0.9))
Set ThirdRange = Range("A" & Int((lastrow * 0.9) + 1) & ":A" & lastrow)

For Each c In FirstRange
c.Offset(, 1) = 1.2 * Rnd

For Each c In SecondRange
c.Offset(, 1) = 1.25 - 1.21 * Rnd

For Each c In ThirdRange
c.Offset(, 1) = 1 * Rnd
End Sub

When competing hypotheses are equal, adopt the hypothesis that introduces
the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the question.
Occam''s razor (Abbrev)

Mike H


Had my number ranges wrong, use this instead

Sub randoms()
Dim FirstRange As Range
Dim SecondRange As Range
Dim ThirdRange As Range
lastrow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set FirstRange = Range("A1:A" & Int(lastrow * 0.7))
Set SecondRange = Range("A" & Int((lastrow * 0.7)) + 1 & ":A" & Int(lastrow
* 0.9))
Set ThirdRange = Range("A" & Int((lastrow * 0.9) + 1) & ":A" & lastrow)

For Each c In FirstRange
c.Offset(, 1) = ((1.2 - 1) * Rnd + 1)

For Each c In SecondRange
c.Offset(, 1) = ((1.25 - 1.2) * Rnd + 1.2)

For Each c In ThirdRange
c.Offset(, 1) = 1 * Rnd
End Sub


When competing hypotheses are equal, adopt the hypothesis that introduces
the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the question.
Occam''s razor (Abbrev)

Lars-Åke Aspelin


I´m having a little problem generating a few random numbers. The thing is
this: I have a huge list of people and I need to assign a random number
between 0.0 and 1.25 to each one.

The problem is I need the following:

70% of people to have a number between 1 and 1.2
20% of people to have a number greater than 1.2
10% of people to have a number below 1

Do you know how to do this???


You have already got a macro proposal for this.
If you prefer a worksheet function approach, here is one.

Assuming that your list of people, and nothing more, is in column A
starting from row 1.

In cell B1 put this formula:

In cell C1 put this formula:

Copy cells B1:C1 down as far as you have data in column A.
Copy columns B:C and Paste Special to column D:E.
Sort columns A:E, sort by column D.
Delete columns B:D
You now have the requested random numbers in column B

Note: The procedure has to be repeated if you add more data to column
A so it is only efficient if your problem is a one time event.

Hope this helps / Lars-Åke

Lars-Åke Aspelin

You have already got a macro proposal for this.
If you prefer a worksheet function approach, here is one.

Assuming that your list of people, and nothing more, is in column A
starting from row 1.

In cell B1 put this formula:

In cell C1 put this formula:

Copy cells B1:C1 down as far as you have data in column A.
Copy columns B:C and Paste Special to column D:E.
Sort columns A:E, sort by column D.
Delete columns B:D
You now have the requested random numbers in column B

Note: The procedure has to be repeated if you add more data to column
A so it is only efficient if your problem is a one time event.

Hope this helps / Lars-Åke

Sorry, the sorting should just be on columns D:E, not A:E.


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