

I have the following expression in a query:

Expr1: IIf([PIN #]>49999 And [PIN
#]<60000,Rnd()*(59999-50000)+50000,IIf([PIN #]>=60000 And [PIN
#]<70000,Rnd()*(69999-60000)+60000,IIf([PIN #]>=70000 And [PIN

What I want this to do is provide me with a new random number for
every record in my table BASED on the value of the record. So if the
current value is >= 50,000 and less than 60,000 I want it to give me a
new random # between those amounts.

This expression works but it gives me the same random number for each
group. I think I should set up 4 modules to house the code for each
group....50,000-60,000, 60,0000-70,000, 70,0000 - 80,0000, and >

Any help would be appreciated! The more detailed the better since I
am a newbie!!


Allen Browne

Try passing the primary key as a value to Rnd() in each case, i.e.:
Rnd([Pin #])

The Rnd() function does not actually do anything with the value passed in,
but it forces the query optimiser to actually call the function on every


Thanks Allen! Perfect!


Allen Browne said:
Try passing the primary key as a value to Rnd() in each case, i.e.:
Rnd([Pin #])

The Rnd() function does not actually do anything with the value passed in,
but it forces the query optimiser to actually call the function on every

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Fatz said:
I have the following expression in a query:

Expr1: IIf([PIN #]>49999 And [PIN
#]<60000,Rnd()*(59999-50000)+50000,IIf([PIN #]>=60000 And [PIN
#]<70000,Rnd()*(69999-60000)+60000,IIf([PIN #]>=70000 And [PIN

What I want this to do is provide me with a new random number for
every record in my table BASED on the value of the record. So if the
current value is >= 50,000 and less than 60,000 I want it to give me a
new random # between those amounts.

This expression works but it gives me the same random number for each
group. I think I should set up 4 modules to house the code for each
group....50,000-60,000, 60,0000-70,000, 70,0000 - 80,0000, and >

Any help would be appreciated! The more detailed the better since I
am a newbie!!


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