Range help


Rick S.

If the Dim "sUserPart" has no match in column A, how do I capture that? I
would like to prompt the user with a MsgBox.
Everything I have come up with itterates thru all the cells. :eek:

With Sheets("Part Number")
Sh1LastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set Sh1Range = .Range("A1:A" & Sh1LastRow)
End With
For Each Sh1Cell In Sh1Range
If Sh1Cell.Value = sUserPart Then
MsgBox "do some stuff here"
MsgBox "Not found!" 'loops thru all cells in range?
End If

XP Pro
Office 2007


with your code just add another variable found. Also you should add an exit
for to speed up the code.

Found = false
With Sheets("Part Number")
Sh1LastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set Sh1Range = .Range("A1:A" & Sh1LastRow)
End With
For Each Sh1Cell In Sh1Range
If Sh1Cell.Value = sUserPart Then
MsgBox "do some stuff here"
found = true
exit for
MsgBox "Not found!" 'loops thru all cells in range?
End If

Another way of doing the same thing
set c = columns("A:A").find(what:=sUserPart,lookin:=xlvalues,lookat:xlwhole)
if not c is nothing then
MsgBox "do some stuff here"
MsgBox "Not found!" 'loops thru all cells in range?
End If

Rick S.

"found = true"

It is uncanny how these things can be resolved with such simplicity,
unfotunately for me my complex brain can't do simple. LOL

XP Pro
Office 2007

Dave Peterson

You could use =match() in a worksheet cell to look for a match.

In code:

Dim Res as Variant
dim RngToCheck as range
dim myVal as String ' or variant or long or ...

with worksheets("sheet9999")
set rngtocheck = .range("A:a")
end with

myval = "somepartnumber"

res = application.match(myval, rngtocheck, 0)

if iserror(res) then
'no match
'found a match
end if

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