range.insert problems


Ed Landau

Any help would be appreciated... this is using Excel 2003 SP1 on WinXp SP2

The following statement works fine. It inserts a blank cell at F1 and shifts
the column down.
Range("F1").Insert xlShiftDown

The following statement returns an error: "Insert Method class failed"
Range("F1").Insert xlShiftDown, Range("B1")

I've tried adding ".value" to the CopyOrigin (the second argument). ,
declaring a variant as the CopyOrigin, I've tried parentheses... I can't get
it to work.

What I want is to insert B1 at location F1 shifting column F down.
Am I just missing something??


Dave Peterson

There have been a few questions about CopyOrigin and pretty much a resounding
silence in real answers:

Here's a couple links to previous posts:

Actually, djh63 had a theory in this thread:
http://groups.google.com/[email protected]

But to answer your question, I'd do this:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()
With ActiveSheet
.Range("B1").Cut '.copy????
.Range("F1").Insert Shift:=xlDown
End With
End Sub

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