Joseph Weber

I am trying to compare two ranges of data. if those ranges are the same i
would like to delete one of them because it is a dup. How do i do this in
macros. what would be the syntax. i tried:
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="RANGE1", RefersToR1C1:=Selection
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="RANGE2", RefersToR1C1:=Selection
If Range("RANGE1") = Range("RANGE2") Then Range("RANGE2").Delete

Jim Thomlinson

Since Range1 is cells A3 -> E3 and Range2 is cells A4 -> E4 the 2 ranges are
different. Did you want to know if they contain the identical values. If so
then do they have to occure in the same order? Do the formats have to be the
same? Do you really want to delete the range or just clear the contents???

Joseph Weber

DAN NOVOTNAK 01/17/2008 26,739 $26.01
DAN NOVOTNAK 01/17/2008 26,739 $26.01

The project i am working on is an expense report for gas usage. I have been
getting copies of certain expense reports and i need a way to delet the line
that is a duplicate. So basically if one line equals the next then delete one
of them. I found this to be pretty easy when I have to pay suppliers because
there is an invoice and all i need to do is compare one cell with another.
The first line would have to exactly match the second line and yes i want to
delete it because i am doing this manually now and it is killing my eyes

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