Mr Big
I have a 123 file (spit out from Lotus Notes- will be written in a wk4
format) that I am getting written in .wk4 format, reading into Excel,
and then writing back out from Excel to 123 (wk4 format) so that Notes
can read it in. The application works fine in the US, but in Europe,
I get in trouble with date formats, since 123 will open the file in
wk4 format, which loses all of the formatting. So a date like
04/24/2007 in Excel will open as 24.04.2007 in German 123, and that
causes all sorts of problems.
I was thinking that if I write an autoexecute macro in 123, I might be
able to fiddle with the format (make it 24-Apr-2007 or something like
that), and see in Notes can digest that. I have written an old style
macro, and can even make it erase itself after it executes ( /
RFD1<<range>>~/RE<<cell>>~ ) - but my problem is that when I do a
Range/Name/Define in Excel, I can't name a macro \0. It seems to be
an invalid name.
Does anyone have any ideas on this one? I'll take any other
suggestions people have (changing the Notes app is unfortunately out
of the question).
Thanks a ton,
(please don't send mail to the address above - it is deactivated right
now - will read the forum).
format) that I am getting written in .wk4 format, reading into Excel,
and then writing back out from Excel to 123 (wk4 format) so that Notes
can read it in. The application works fine in the US, but in Europe,
I get in trouble with date formats, since 123 will open the file in
wk4 format, which loses all of the formatting. So a date like
04/24/2007 in Excel will open as 24.04.2007 in German 123, and that
causes all sorts of problems.
I was thinking that if I write an autoexecute macro in 123, I might be
able to fiddle with the format (make it 24-Apr-2007 or something like
that), and see in Notes can digest that. I have written an old style
macro, and can even make it erase itself after it executes ( /
RFD1<<range>>~/RE<<cell>>~ ) - but my problem is that when I do a
Range/Name/Define in Excel, I can't name a macro \0. It seems to be
an invalid name.
Does anyone have any ideas on this one? I'll take any other
suggestions people have (changing the Notes app is unfortunately out
of the question).
Thanks a ton,
(please don't send mail to the address above - it is deactivated right
now - will read the forum).