Range names are created with the English format : for ex. _15_Feb_06

  • Thread starter Gérard Ducouret
  • Start date

Gérard Ducouret

I'm using Excel 2003 French version.
In a spreadsheet, I have a serie of dates such as 1-févr-06; 15-févr-06;
1-mars-06; 15-mars-06... (with an abbreviation of the French months name)

A VBA Sub creates range names by doing the equivalent of: Insert / Names /
Create / Upper row.
This sub worked fine in Excel 2000.
In the 2003 version, all range names are created with the English format :
for ex. _15_Feb_06 instead of _15_févr_06.
Of course, the following sub doesn't find anything!
How can I fix this issue?

Thanks for your help


Gérard Ducouret

Hi Niek,

The code of the Sub is :
Sub CréeNoms()
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.CreateNames Top:=True, Left:=True, Bottom:=False, Right:=False
End Sub

NB : In the Control Panel, Regional Setting, Language, I have

When I do the operation manually, the months names are in French (such as
When I run the Sub, they are created in English : _15_Feb_06

Thanks for your help,


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