Hi, If Ive called a1:a10 "home" and b1:b10 "result". Then in vba Ive
used ' X = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(Range("home"),
"Norwich", Range("result"), "H") ' which works perfect. What ive been
trying though is to call a1:b10 AllData, then refer to the colums. Im
trying this because in reality my table of data is infact alot bigger.
Ive got as far as Range("AllData").column(2).select which works. Been
trying X =
"Norwich", Range("AllData").columns(2), "H"). Can this be done, or do
I name my columns seperatly. Thankyou
Regards Robert
used ' X = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(Range("home"),
"Norwich", Range("result"), "H") ' which works perfect. What ive been
trying though is to call a1:b10 AllData, then refer to the colums. Im
trying this because in reality my table of data is infact alot bigger.
Ive got as far as Range("AllData").column(2).select which works. Been
trying X =
"Norwich", Range("AllData").columns(2), "H"). Can this be done, or do
I name my columns seperatly. Thankyou
Regards Robert