range of dates in a SQL query


D. Stacy

I'm looking for a little help getting this query to return a range of dates.
The query is used as an intermediate step to another query.

PARAMETERS EnterTheDate DateTime;
SELECT EnterTheDate+TimeSerial([Num_Hrs],0,0) AS time_
FROM TblHrsPerDay;


John W. Vinson

I'm looking for a little help getting this query to return a range of dates.
The query is used as an intermediate step to another query.

PARAMETERS EnterTheDate DateTime;
SELECT EnterTheDate+TimeSerial([Num_Hrs],0,0) AS time_
FROM TblHrsPerDay;


Please explain. What "range of dates"? What's in your table, and how do you
want to specify the range of dates? What results do you want?

D. Stacy

The query pulls data from the HrsPerDay table which is a numbers table 1 thru
24; representing each hour of the day.

The subsequent query counts the number of concurrent timed events that took
place during the hour found on this query.

Here is a sample; this Q feeds the next Q that counts the events. I like to
be able to generate several days or a month of these "1 Hour" times.

10/15/08 1:00 AM
10/15/08 2:00 AM
10/15/08 3:00 AM
10/15/08 4:00 AM
10/15/08 5:00 AM
10/15/08 6:00 AM
10/15/08 7:00 AM
10/15/08 8:00 AM
10/15/08 9:00 AM
10/15/08 10:00 AM
10/15/08 11:00 AM
10/15/08 12:00 PM
10/15/08 1:00 PM
10/15/08 2:00 PM
10/15/08 3:00 PM
10/15/08 4:00 PM
10/15/08 5:00 PM
10/15/08 6:00 PM
10/15/08 7:00 PM
10/15/08 8:00 PM
10/15/08 9:00 PM
10/15/08 10:00 PM
10/15/08 11:00 PM
10/16/08 12:00 AM

John W. Vinson said:
I'm looking for a little help getting this query to return a range of dates.
The query is used as an intermediate step to another query.

PARAMETERS EnterTheDate DateTime;
SELECT EnterTheDate+TimeSerial([Num_Hrs],0,0) AS time_
FROM TblHrsPerDay;


Please explain. What "range of dates"? What's in your table, and how do you
want to specify the range of dates? What results do you want?

John W. Vinson

Here is a sample; this Q feeds the next Q that counts the events. I like to
be able to generate several days or a month of these "1 Hour" times.

This can be done easily with the help of a little auxiliary table, which comes
in handy for many things. Create a table Nums with one Long Integer field N;
fill it with values 0 through, oh, 10000 or so (a quick shortcut is to use
Excel, Fill... Series, and copy and paste into Access).

Use a Query based on Nums with a calculated field

TheDate: DateAdd("h", [N], [Enter the date:])

with a criterion

<= [Enter end date]

or, alternatively, a criterion on N of

[How many date points do you want?]

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