jbf frylock
I'm making an eligibility chart based on income. If 1 person (equals a
household) makes between $0 and $1000 (household income) they are in "x"
category. if that person makes between $1001 and $2000, they are in "y"
category. If that person exceeds $2000, they are in "z" category. So I have
3 categories they can be included in (x=Free, y=reduced, z=paid...it isn't
just a true and false statement). The tricky part is the number of people in
the household. 2 to infinite # of people making in the range of $0-$1000
need to be in "free" category. 2 cells are being drawn from. A1 is the
number of people, A2 is the income, A3 is the formula for figuring their
eligibility. I need A3 to say "Free", or "Reduced", or "Paid" as the end
result of the data. Thank you for any help you may provide.
household) makes between $0 and $1000 (household income) they are in "x"
category. if that person makes between $1001 and $2000, they are in "y"
category. If that person exceeds $2000, they are in "z" category. So I have
3 categories they can be included in (x=Free, y=reduced, z=paid...it isn't
just a true and false statement). The tricky part is the number of people in
the household. 2 to infinite # of people making in the range of $0-$1000
need to be in "free" category. 2 cells are being drawn from. A1 is the
number of people, A2 is the income, A3 is the formula for figuring their
eligibility. I need A3 to say "Free", or "Reduced", or "Paid" as the end
result of the data. Thank you for any help you may provide.