Range of values



It there any way I can summarize the range of values from a column. The
column contains manny repeats of values, let say car brand etc I want to
summarize the totals per brand at the bottom. I am using the sumif functions
to get the total numbers but how can I automatically show all the brands of
the sheet.

Jarek Kujawa

one way would be to select a column with the brands
then (Excel 2003) Data->Filter->Advanced Filter->Copy to other
location (define yr criteria range)->Select Unique records only



Understand what youre saying but this will be manual, my goal is to automate
it so the sheet automatically gives the user a summary of the sheet. Like the
example; unique brands and amounts sold. The original column must remain.


Create a summary sheet, Let's assume your information is in sheet1, create
another tab called Summary, and in column A enter the brands starting in row
1. I suppose that in Sheet 1 the brands are in column A and the total sold is
in Column B, so in column B from the summary sheet enter the formula as follow


If you are not using excel 2007 enter the formula as follow


Hope this help

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