Hi all,
I have a VB6 app which will validate the records in an excel file (source) ,
if the record failed the rule then it will be copy to a "Pending" excel
The app has a list box which will show a list of xls file in a directory,
then it process it one by one. Then open both files and assign last row + 1
into a variable iNewRow from the Pending file, so if a rec. is failed it
will copy the rec and append to the end of the file (hopefully I'm on the
right track)
My problem is, it didn't append to the last row after the first file is
processed, but start writing from the second record in the Pending file, so
previous records are overwritten. Here's my code:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To LstDSLPending.ListCount - 1 'Loop thru each file
in the list box
Call MatchExcelFileRecords("C:\Source\", LstNACPending.List(i))
End Sub
Sub MatchExcelFileRecords(pFilePath As String, pFileName As String)
Dim sAccountNo As String
Dim XlsApp As Excel.Application
Dim WkBk(1 To 2) As Excel.Workbook '1 = Source File, 2 = Pending
Dim WkSh(1 To 2) As Excel.Worksheet
Dim Rng(1 To 2) As Excel.Range
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim iNewRow As Integer
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Set XlsApp = New Excel.Application
XlsApp.Visible = True
Set WkBk(1) = XlsApp.Workbooks.Open(pFilePath & pFileName)
Set WkBk(2) = XlsApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\UnMatchedRecords\Pending.xls")
Set WkSh(1) = WkBk(1).Worksheets(1)
Set WkSh(2) = WkBk(2).Worksheets(1)
Set Rng(1) = WkSh(1).UsedRange
Set Rng(2) = WkSh(2).UsedRange
iNewRow = (Rng(2).Rows.Count) + 1
For iRow = 1 To Rng(1).Rows.Count
WkSh(1).Cells(iRow, "AD") = " " 'Initialise the
If WkSh(1).Cells(iRow, "A") = "CHK" Then 'This will skip the
sAccountNo = WkSh(1).Cells(iRow, "R") & "" 'Phone number in Col
sAccountNo = funGetACNoByProspID(sAccountNo) 'Do checking here
If sAccountNo = "" Then
WkSh(1).Rows(iRow).Copy WkSh(2).Rows(iNewRow) '*** here where I copy
a failed record to the Pending file
iNewRow = iNewRow + 1
WkSh(1).Cells(iRow, "AD") = "U"
WkSh(1).Cells(iRow, "AE") = pFileName
frmData.mbNacReturnedOK = False
End If
End If
Set WkSh(1) = Nothing
Set WkSh(2) = Nothing
WkBk(1).Close True
WkBk(2).Close True
Erase Rng
Erase WkSh
Erase WkBk
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
Thanks for your help~~
I have a VB6 app which will validate the records in an excel file (source) ,
if the record failed the rule then it will be copy to a "Pending" excel
The app has a list box which will show a list of xls file in a directory,
then it process it one by one. Then open both files and assign last row + 1
into a variable iNewRow from the Pending file, so if a rec. is failed it
will copy the rec and append to the end of the file (hopefully I'm on the
right track)
My problem is, it didn't append to the last row after the first file is
processed, but start writing from the second record in the Pending file, so
previous records are overwritten. Here's my code:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To LstDSLPending.ListCount - 1 'Loop thru each file
in the list box
Call MatchExcelFileRecords("C:\Source\", LstNACPending.List(i))
End Sub
Sub MatchExcelFileRecords(pFilePath As String, pFileName As String)
Dim sAccountNo As String
Dim XlsApp As Excel.Application
Dim WkBk(1 To 2) As Excel.Workbook '1 = Source File, 2 = Pending
Dim WkSh(1 To 2) As Excel.Worksheet
Dim Rng(1 To 2) As Excel.Range
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim iNewRow As Integer
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Set XlsApp = New Excel.Application
XlsApp.Visible = True
Set WkBk(1) = XlsApp.Workbooks.Open(pFilePath & pFileName)
Set WkBk(2) = XlsApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\UnMatchedRecords\Pending.xls")
Set WkSh(1) = WkBk(1).Worksheets(1)
Set WkSh(2) = WkBk(2).Worksheets(1)
Set Rng(1) = WkSh(1).UsedRange
Set Rng(2) = WkSh(2).UsedRange
iNewRow = (Rng(2).Rows.Count) + 1
For iRow = 1 To Rng(1).Rows.Count
WkSh(1).Cells(iRow, "AD") = " " 'Initialise the
If WkSh(1).Cells(iRow, "A") = "CHK" Then 'This will skip the
sAccountNo = WkSh(1).Cells(iRow, "R") & "" 'Phone number in Col
sAccountNo = funGetACNoByProspID(sAccountNo) 'Do checking here
If sAccountNo = "" Then
WkSh(1).Rows(iRow).Copy WkSh(2).Rows(iNewRow) '*** here where I copy
a failed record to the Pending file
iNewRow = iNewRow + 1
WkSh(1).Cells(iRow, "AD") = "U"
WkSh(1).Cells(iRow, "AE") = pFileName
frmData.mbNacReturnedOK = False
End If
End If
Set WkSh(1) = Nothing
Set WkSh(2) = Nothing
WkBk(1).Close True
WkBk(2).Close True
Erase Rng
Erase WkSh
Erase WkBk
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
Thanks for your help~~