I am using OWC excel component and trying to drag&drop a label on to
the spreadsheet and expecting to find the row/column position where the
label was dropped.
I am using code as below :
Private Sub Spreadsheet1_DragDrop(Source As Control, x As Single, y As
Dim abc As Object
Set abc = Spreadsheet1.ActiveWindow.RangeFromPoint(x, y)
MsgBox TypeName(abc)
End Sub
rangefrompoint() method always reutrn null (nothing). Any ideas on how
to find the row/column numbers?
I am using OWC excel component and trying to drag&drop a label on to
the spreadsheet and expecting to find the row/column position where the
label was dropped.
I am using code as below :
Private Sub Spreadsheet1_DragDrop(Source As Control, x As Single, y As
Dim abc As Object
Set abc = Spreadsheet1.ActiveWindow.RangeFromPoint(x, y)
MsgBox TypeName(abc)
End Sub
rangefrompoint() method always reutrn null (nothing). Any ideas on how
to find the row/column numbers?