RANK and assigning a value in another column


Tom Wright


I have worksheet that calculates rank based on a value in another column.
I am looking to use that rank to generate a point total in another column.
Here is a look at the columns

Name Points Rank
A 50
B 50
C 12
D 11

Rank could go from 0 to 50 let's say

Points are awarded by your rank position from 24 down to 1. The highest rank
will get 24 points, the next highest 23 points, etc. down to 1 point for a
non-zero result in rank (0 in rank = 0 points) . If there is a tie in rank,
then the points should be averaged among your rank positions. So in the
example above if A and B are tied for the highest rank they each would
receive (24+23)/2 = 23.5 points. If there are 24 or more non-zero values in
the rank column they will be assigned 1 point.

Make sense?

Any help is appreciated.

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