On sheet 1 in column A is the name of the account; same sheet column B is a
Account Percentage
Mercy 80.4%
Henry 89.6%
Fred 0.00%
Chris 92.70%
Connie 92.00%
Alex 92.60%
Larry 89.80%
Ollie 0.00%
On a second sheet (a summary sheet) a formula is needed to sort and rank the
accounts so that the account with the highest percentage is at the top of the
list, like this,
Chris 92.70%
Alex 92.60%
Connie 92.00%
I have tried a combination of formulas but have been unsuccessful.
Thank you.
Account Percentage
Mercy 80.4%
Henry 89.6%
Fred 0.00%
Chris 92.70%
Connie 92.00%
Alex 92.60%
Larry 89.80%
Ollie 0.00%
On a second sheet (a summary sheet) a formula is needed to sort and rank the
accounts so that the account with the highest percentage is at the top of the
list, like this,
Chris 92.70%
Alex 92.60%
Connie 92.00%
I have tried a combination of formulas but have been unsuccessful.
Thank you.