Ranking Formula Question




I am trying to rank our employees but for some reason when a bunch of people
are tied, it tends to through the rank off. For example, we have four people
with a score of 3.00000 ranked at 5th place. However, we have another person
with a 3.00000 that is ranked 9th. I've included my formula below. I
doublechecked the range, and it is correct. All the cells are formatted as
numbers as well. Any ideas what may be causing this?




If you expand the number of decimal places further you may find that
four employees have a value of 3.0000004 and the other employee has
3.0000001 - you can overcome this discrepancy by putting ROUND( ... ,
2) around your formulae in column R (indicated by ... ).

Hope this helps.



Actually Pete, I had thought of that as well and took it out to 20 decimal
places and they still matched up.


That page is good if I were to break the ties, but in these cases we don't.
Unfortunately it doesn't cover the issue we're having. It looks like the
maximum it will let me do is 30 decimal places and the numbers are still
identical. Bummer. This list is small, but I am also doing a rank of 400
employees and don't feel this is gonna be accurrate now.


But did you try modifying your formula with ROUND, and did this have
any effect on the rankings?


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