Thanks for the further information.
I would certainly recommend some changes, according to the age-old adage
"fields are expensive, records are cheap".
For example, something along these lines...
Table: ChargeOffs
CID [customer ID linked to CustomerInfo table]
CO [sequence number for Charge Off]
COD [date of event]
Table: ChargeOffDetails
COID [Autonumber ID for each CO item]
CO [ChargeOff number linked to ChargeOffs table]
Table: RepaymentPlan
RAN [New Account Number] (is this a unique identifier for the
xx CID xx (remove this field, it is invalid, as the CO field
automatically identifies the customer)
PRD [Product Code]
CO [Relates to ChargeOffs Table]
RAD [Agreement Date]
Table: RepaymentPlanPayments
RAN [Links to RepaymentPlan table]
PD [Payment Date]
PA [Payment $ Due]
Table: RecoveryPayments
TID [sequence number - transaction ID]
COID [Related to ChargeOffDetails table, will identify the account]
PMD [Payment Date]
PMA [Payment $]
Get the idea?
Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
Thanks for responding Steve. I'm not sure what you mean by making separate
records for each fee account. Let me be a little more explicit with my
construction so far and perhaps you can advise me. I'm not a database expert,
so I may be way off on how to do what I'm doing. Here's my basic table
structure (there are more fields in each table, unrelated to this problem).
Field descriptions are in [brackets] for clarity:
Table: CustomerInfo
CID [sequence number - linked to other tables]
...[omitted customer address/name/business fields]
ACCT [Account Number]
Table: ChargeOffs
CID [customer ID linked to CustomerInfo table]
CO [sequence number for Charge Off]
COD [date of event]
TCO [Total Loss $]
PCO [Principal Loss $]
NSF [Loss - Fee Category 1 $]
SCF [Loss - Fee Category 2 $]
DOD [Loss - Fee Category 3 $]
OTF [Loss - Fee Category 4 $]
Table: RepaymentPlan
RAN [New Account Number]
CID [Relates to CustomerInfo Table]
PRD [Product Code]
CO [Relates to ChargeOffs Table]
RAD [Agreement Date]
NP [Number of payments agreed upon]
P1D [Payment Date]
P2D [Payment Date]
P3D [Payment Date]
P4D [Payment Date]
P1A [Payment $ Due]
P2A [Payment $ Due]
P3A [Payment $ Due]
P4A [Payment $ Due]
Table: RecoveryPayments
TID [sequence number - transaction ID]
CID [relates to CustomerInfo Table]
CO [relates to ChargeOffs Table]
PNO [Payment Number (1 - 4)]
PMD [Payment Date]
PMA [Payment $]
PAPT [Payment Allocated to Principal Account $]
PANT [Payment Allocated to Fee Account 1 $]
PAST [Payment Allocated to Fee Account 2 $]
PADT [Payment Allocated to Fee Account 3 $]
PAOT [Payment Allocated to Fee Account 4 $]
Basically, I'm entering the fee amounts, calculating a payment plan with
customizable dates and amounts due, and distributing the payments on receipt
to the appropriate recovery accounts as needed.
So, the CustomerInfo table is populated first, then the ChargeOffs. If the
customer agrees to repay, the RepaymentPlan table is populated and the
payments are received in the Recovery Table. make sense?
Is there a better structure?