
  • Thread starter benton via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

benton via AccessMonster.com

Underneath are the results then followed by the sql statement.I want it to
give me first Ranking for this month(June) and for the last month(May) and
then i need for how many months has a broker held the position of being
number 1,2,3,........

EffMonth Broker APIMvmnt Rank
01/03/2004 100 263040 1
01/03/2004 141 110376 2
01/05/2005 101 101040 3
01/06/2005 10 99408 4
01/04/2005 123 95244 5
01/11/2004 100 93588 6
01/05/2005 121 89352 7
01/11/2004 157 88812 8
01/05/2004 129 87504 9
01/12/2004 106 83544 10

SELECT TOP 10 Prod1.EffMonth, Prod1.Broker, Prod1.APIMvmnt, (select count(
[pROD1].[APImVMNT]) FROM pROD WHERE [APIMvmnt] > [Prod1].[ApiMvmnt] -1) AS
FROM Prod AS Prod1
GROUP BY Prod1.EffMonth, Prod1.Broker, Prod1.APIMvmnt

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